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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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The Fortress (Woodland Park)

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 05/23/2020
6:30 am - 7:30 am

Site Q - Jennay

Fort Imagination



  1. Woodstock

    PAX: Moulan, coppertop, landslide, biggie, Tupac, Stark, jennay, venom, fossil, flo, hazmat, Charmin, Heisenberg, Hannibal, nimbus, meatloaf, Jimmy Dean, huffy, Casper, Woodstock

    QiC: Woodstock

    3 Fs, Mission, principles, disclaimer, and covid-19 reminders given by YHC.

    PAX brought their OWN coupon – blocks, ruck plates, dumbbells, rucks, and sandbags were deployed.

    Warmup – SSH, windmill, then:
    20 coupon squats (jump squats alt)
    10 each leg coupon lunges
    10 4 count monkey humpers
    10 romanian deadlifts (with coupon).

    Split into 3 groups. Each group remained in their area except to run. Each group did each set based on ttimer. Work was rotated through a 5 minute set round and a 4 minute set round.

    Set 1 cardio: run around parking lot. Not a sprint, but push.

    Set 2 work:
    20 merkins
    2 burpees
    20 coupon rows
    2 burpees
    20 flutters (2 is 1) with coupon
    2 burpees
    20 plank jacks.
    2 burpees

    Set 3 threshold: suicides with 5 coupon thrusters at baseline – pyramid up and down.

    Finished with a COP, including 10 reps (cadence) of absolutions, Starfish situps, squats, American hammers, Merkins, Carolina dry docks, bbsu, and single leg hip bridge (10 each leg).

    Moulan was the 6.

    Prayed for strength for cancer patients and families, kids this summer, community safety over the weekend.

    Awesome 2nd F idea by Stark to hi to Dunkin and parking lot party. 17 socially distanced for that and it was frickin awesome. Saw Coal on the way there and had a good chat.

    Men, the Gloom truly belongs to us. Aye!

    • Tupac

      The best part of your beatdown was the coffeeteria . Well done Woodstock

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