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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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La Biblioteca (Maumee Library)

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Date(s) - 01/27/2022
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm

Site Q - Chanel

La Biblioteca


We won’t be combing over the card catalog Thursday evenings in Maumee. We will be getting work done at our newest beatdown location La Biblioteca!

La Biblioteca


  1. Brian Coil

    “Book Time” at La Biblioteca 01/27/2022
    Pax: Ponzi(Q), Stalker, Solo, Radio

    Mission and Core Principles

    Warmup with 25 WIndmills and 25 High Kneees


    All About the Benjamins – Accomplish 100 each of each exercise but with 4 sets of 25

    Set of 25 followed up with a run around the library

    Merkens, Imperial Walkers, Big Boy Situps and American Hammer then Run
    After 4 rounds the sets were changed to Arm Circles, Lunges and Leg Lifts

    End with COT

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