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F3 Black Swamp | September 16, 2024

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The Levy (Commodore Building)

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Date(s) - 08/25/2020
5:30 am - 6:30 am

Site Q - Coconut

Commodore Building


Trying out a new location for our Tuesday runs right in the heart of Perrysburg at the Commodore Building. This will open up many new routes for all runners to “enjoy” with our run leader Coconut


  1. Coconut

    Backblast for The Levy (run) on 8/25/2020

    Intro: Mission & core principles
    Run description:
    Speed is a combination of stride length and turnover (strides/time). Discussed how to increase turnover by shortening and quickening stride.
    Took warm-up jog from the Levy to Bicentennial park (~1.8mi. Counted steps/min 2x during the job. PAX were around 156-178.
    At Bicentennial park, Pax did a short loop ~600m, with a 170BPM cadence tapped out by metronome. Then a full 800m loop counting steps to get a baseline on stride length.
    Finally, putting it all together, one timed loop of 800 m while counting steps.
    Example data from Coconut:
    baseline steps/min ~170
    baseline steps/800m 686
    Uptempo steps/800m 520 (about 5’/step)
    Uptemp turnover ~194

    Also discussed power as energy/time with PAX and that each individual has a ‘burn rate’ or power level he can sustain over time. Improving speed can be done by improving a PAX’s sustainable burn rate, or by improving efficiency…turnover of 180 typically brings big efficiency benefits compared to ~165.

    Cooldown jog back to the Levy.
    COR, NOR, (Flubber was 6).
    Announcements, Prayer intentions.

    Always an honor to lead a run workout, and see the dedication and work PAX are willing to put in. Congrats to all the men!

    • Coconut

      PAX in attendance:
      Spaulding, Jennay, Landslide, Patriot, Fossil, Flubber, Mile High, Charmin, Coconut

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