Backblast for The Levy (run) on 8/25/2020
Intro: Mission & core principles
Run description:
Speed is a combination of stride length and turnover (strides/time). Discussed how to increase turnover by shortening and quickening stride.
Took warm-up jog from the Levy to Bicentennial park (~1.8mi. Counted steps/min 2x during the job. PAX were around 156-178.
At Bicentennial park, Pax did a short loop ~600m, with a 170BPM cadence tapped out by metronome. Then a full 800m loop counting steps to get a baseline on stride length.
Finally, putting it all together, one timed loop of 800 m while counting steps.
Example data from Coconut:
baseline steps/min ~170
baseline steps/800m 686
Uptempo steps/800m 520 (about 5’/step)
Uptemp turnover ~194Also discussed power as energy/time with PAX and that each individual has a ‘burn rate’ or power level he can sustain over time. Improving speed can be done by improving a PAX’s sustainable burn rate, or by improving efficiency…turnover of 180 typically brings big efficiency benefits compared to ~165.
Cooldown jog back to the Levy.
COR, NOR, (Flubber was 6).
Announcements, Prayer intentions.Always an honor to lead a run workout, and see the dedication and work PAX are willing to put in. Congrats to all the men!
PAX in attendance:
Spaulding, Jennay, Landslide, Patriot, Fossil, Flubber, Mile High, Charmin, Coconut