Pax: fat thor(q), soda pop(6), huckleberry, solo, Chanel.
It was a small group, but we proved fairly worthy of the work. First person would answer a trivia question. If we got it right, we would just do the exercises associated with the grade. If we got it wrong, we would need to do all exercisers up to that point before doing the exercise for the grade. We had some pretty smart people and made it until freshmen year in college before time ran out. Grade we lost: grade 4, grade 10, and freshmen college.
The work: 12 of each
Preschool – SSH
Kindergarten – BBS
1st – merkins
2nd – squat
3rd – shoulder press
4th – imperial walkers
5th – Freddie mercuries
6th – bear lunges
7th – monkey humpers
8th – can’t remember
9th – LBC
10th – KBS
11th – burpees
12th – clean and press
Freshmen in college(we failed)Cot:
A- memorial murph, brewery, kayak
P- students at the end of the year