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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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The Fortress (Grace Church)

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Date(s) - 08/14/2021
6:30 am - 7:30 am

Site Q - Doubtfire

The Fortress


Boot camp style workout. At Woodland Park. Two large Playgrounds, Frisbee Golf Course, 1 Mile Dirt Track, HUGE Field.  Plenty of space here to craft a diabolical smokefest for even the strongest PAX.

Park at Grace Church off of East Boundary Drive.

SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Lamplight Cafe and Bakery located at 121 W. Indiana ave. Great opportunity to get to know members of F3 Black Swamp and refuel from the workout.

The Fortress


  1. Matt Yarder

    QIC – Stark
    PAX – RoundUp, Doubtfire, Hannibal, Coconut, Chopstick, Chanel, Bourbon, Enron, Heisenberg, Two Buck Chuck, Spaulding, Flo, Ponzi, Venom, Charmin, Free Fall, Fossil, Mulan, Sally, Lego, Nitrous, Oil, Change, Space Cowboy, Biggie, Jennay, Spacebar “FNG”

    19 Station Workout
    Battle Ropes (30 sec)
    Curls (15 Per Arm)
    Tire Flip’n (4)
    Sandbag Squats (20)
    American Hammers (25, 2 is 1)
    Squat Thrusters (18)
    Man Maker Burpees (12)
    Monkey Humpers (40)
    Gerkins (20)
    Jug Lifts (20)
    Dirty Hook-Ups (15)
    Hello Dolly’s (40)
    Hammer Slams (20)
    Thunder Big Boys (20)
    Ruck Rows (30)
    Sack Presses (30)
    Cindy Swings (25)
    Carolina Dry Docks (25)
    *OverFLO* 15 Burpees


    Game Rules
    Setup: Take your HC’ed PAX, your exercises for the day, and your region’s AOs and create your game cards. Have a PAX randomly take one of each category and store in envelope. Place Remaining cards in center of exercise stations.

    Objective: Figure out which PAX has “suspect” form on their favorite exercise at their favorite AO.

    Each PAX randomly selects a sheet with suspects, exercises, and sites. Their sheet will have a number indicating their turn order. When Q signifies the start of the first round. All PAX head to any station to perform workout indicating. Once completing workout, the PAX may bear crawl or lunge walk to center and select a card. Then run to next station and perform another exercise. PAX CANNOT repeat exercise until they have completed each station. Once all cards have been removed from middle the round is over, return to center. PAX with the turn order indicating number 1 will make the first “suggestion”. Then in sequential order the PAX with the next turn marker will either PASS, indicating they cannot dispute the suggestion, or SHOW the suggestion PAX only 1 of their cards that may dispute their “suggestion”. Once the suggestion is disputed all cards are put back in the middle and new round begins. Repeato until cards are drawn once again, and without repeating same exercises. Now PAX with turn indicator 2 makes a suggestion. Keep repeating rounds of exercises, suggestions, and disputes until a PAX thinks they can make an accusation. In order to make an accusation, PAX must complete 30 Yard Burpee Broad Jump. Once they complete the Burpee Broad Jump the round stops. The PAX’s accusation is made, and if not disputed, will pull the cards out of the envelope. If he is correct, he will reveal the cards and is deemed the winner! If his accusation is incorrect, he must replace cards back into envelope without showing fellow PAX and perform a 30 burpee penalty before reentering the game.

    COR, NOR, Venom with a strong 6. Awesome to see 26 other HIMs out for a little gaming of a workout.

    Always an Honor
    Always My Pleasure

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