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F3 Black Swamp | October 14, 2024

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Leadership Ruck – Fitness of the Body, Mind, and Soul

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Date(s) - 09/25/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Casper

The Fortress


One part Fitness, one part Intellectual, mix in some Fellowship and you have a calorie burn for the body that fuels the soul. Throw some weight in a ruck sack, head off on a 2-3 mile hike while your mind is led through Q source material straight from the creators of F3 and other leadership development programs.



  1. Scott Schutt

    Live Right Ruck
    Date: September 25,2021
    Time: 6:30am to 7:30am
    Location: The Fortress
    QIC: Geppetto
    PAX: 3 total – Casper, Geppetto, Flo

    No FNG’s this morning for the ruck so right into the three F’s, Mission and Principles
    F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
    Mission –Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
    The core principles of F3 are that it must:
    Be free of charge
    Be open to all men
    Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold (except when the governor says we have to stay home)
    Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. You versus you. Modify or stop an exercise if you need to. The most important thing is that nobody gets hurt.
    End with a Circle of Trust

    Rucked through Perrysburg and discussed the 2nd Quadrant of the F3 QSource – Live Right. Great conversation and sharpening of iron.

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