What Can You Do With A Bag Of Balls?? – Another Huffy Production
Pickle Juice (FNG)
Huffy (Q)F3 Stands For: Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith
Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Our workouts are:
Free of charge
Open to all men
Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
Led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
End with a Circle of TrustThe Beatdown:
2 Teams of 3. We run to the bag of balls. Pick one. Put it in your teams bucket. Do the exercise on the ball. Example: You draw 2B. Go to Station #2 and do exercise B (30 Pivot Jump Shots).
Station #1
A Walking Imperial Walkers 1 Round Trip
B Sprints 2 Round Trips
C Indian Run Around the Stations 1 Round Trip
Station #2
A Basketball Merkins 20 Reps
B Pivot Jump Shots 30 Reps
C Calf Raise Jump Squats 30 Reps
Station #3
A Kettle Bell Swings 20 Reps
B Curls 30 Reps
C Man Makers 10 Reps
Side Straddle Hops If Waiting for the Next Task.
We circled back up and did:
Moby – Flower (Sally Up / Sally Down) Squats,
Blur – Song 2 Burpees every Wahoo,
Beastie Boys – Girls Hold Plank and Merkin every Girl(s)We then got in the COT. Did Count-o-Rama / Name-O-Rama. I was the 6. We got to know the FNG from Fort Wayne, Indiana and Named him “Pickle Juice”. Ended with announcements and Prayers.
My thoughts: F3 is amazing!! We EHed men walking by. Get an FNG. At the end of the Beatdown we have Pickle Juice (FNG) heading out for some fellowship with Charmin and Bonds At the Five. God is great and F3 is a gift from God!! Be Blessed Brothers!!!!