Wicked, Lyman, fraction, meatloaf, hannibal, socrates, mile high,van gogh, lonzo, Bourbon, gepetto, fat Amy, Woodstock, rudy
Team 1: meatloaf, gepetto, socrates, fraction, van gogh, wicked, Woodstock
Team 2: Lyman, lonzo, rudy, fat Amy, hannibal, Bourbon, mile high
Point to winners.
Flip cup
2 teams. Static exercise for all as one by one they complete reps of exercise, then whole team runs to sideline and back. Repeat from opposite end, winner is team who completes down and back first.3 rounds – 6 inches/10 2is 1 flutter kicks, hold plank/10 merkins, cherry pickers/10 ssh, plank/5 hrpu + run, squat/ squat jumps, 6″ / hello dolly.
Reverse raffle
Teams line up, running length of field. Stop when last man hits cone, all hold low squat. last man does 3-10 reps of x, then the person in front of him, all the way to first person. When first person finishes they move on to next cone, all the way the length of the field. Then reverse back.mary 2* between rounds- 20 bbsu, 10 2 is 1 imperial walkers
Team 2 won going away, and now they get the privelege to fly Santa’s sleigh tomorrow night.
welcome back to Mile High, rudy was the 6, winter challenge, prayers for strength, courage, and charity this Christmas season.