PAX: Charlotte, Mercy, Rudy, Meatloaf, Lyman, Huckleberry, Landslide, Bourbon, Geppetto, Isosceles, Ceviche (FNG), Lonzo – Q
The Thang
Mosey to pull-up area complete 50 pull-ups and 100 dips OYO and pickup the 6
Moana superset 1 to 10, 1 burpee 1 jump squats, 2 burpees 2 jump squats…etc, run to opposite cone after each round
Jack jack webs – merkin, plank jack, 4 air Press’s 1 to 10 made it to 5 or 6
Huck was the 6. He let us know how he started with F3, why he keeps coming out, and that he and I are close friends. 🤣
Grant Sarver was our FNG and got the name Ceviche because its his favorite Mexican dish.
Closed with prayers for Mile High and our country.