Dec. 3, 2020
“This is how we do it”PAX: Landslide, Lonzo, Doubtfire, Cooper, Isosceles, Rudy, Charlotte, Meatloaf, Lyman (Q)
Clear skies, slight breeze at about 30-degrees. Started at 6:31 with F3 mission, core principles, and disclaimer.
Warmup: 25 4-count Side-Straddle Hops in cadence.
Counted off by twos. Ones started at Station 1 and Twos started at Station 3 to allow us to spread out a little. Proceeded through four stations (approx. 50yds. apart) with 3 sets at each and movements in between. Tried a new movement, the Merkin Bunny (holding block on ends, swing it as far out in front as possible, drop and do a Merkin, hop legs up next to block, repeato til miserable). Proved to be exhausting, will use again.
Station 1:
15 Block Squats
15 Block Calf Raises
15 Lt. Dans
Repeato x3
Rifle-carry Block to Station 2Station 2:
15 Tricep Dips
15 Curls
15 Bent-Over Rows
Repeato x3
Lunge-walk with block to Station 3Station 3:
15 Freddy Mercuries 2:1
15 Big Boi Sit-ups
15 Block flutterkicks 2:1
Repeato x3
Rifle-carry block to Station 4Station 4:
15 Merkins
15 Block Press
15 Carolina Dry Docks
Repeato x3
Merkin Bunny to Station 1Ended with:
Six was Rudy. Shared about how he had a stroke earlier this year and F3 keeps him consistently exercising. Inspiring story!
Ended in prayer, mostly for those affected by Covid.Great to see some new faces! Truly an honor to lead these HIM.