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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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Wakanda (Maumee High)

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Date(s) - 11/05/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Lonzo



Located in the heart of Maumee, Ohio is Wakanda the home of the Maumee Panthers. Physical education starts early on Thursdays for men of the Black Swamp

Maumee High School


  1. Lonzo

    PAX: Coconut, Woodstock, Lyman, Mercy, Orange Kilt, Footloose, Rudy, Homeslice, Fraction, Meatloaf
    Special guests: Ticket and Jimmy Dean
    Q: Lonzo

    Carried blocks to pull up area for Fran WOD
    21, 15, 9 reps of  Thrusters and Pull-ups each.
    Mosey back to field with block. Hold plank for 6.

    The Thang
    10 super u hauls
    10 lt dans
    10 flutter kicks 4 is 1
    Lap around field Repeato

    20 merkins
    20 Kettle bell swings
    20 LBC’S
    Ape hops with block to cone and back Repeato

    30 curls
    30 presses
    30 calf raises
    Choice of lap around field or ape hops with block to cone and back. Repeato

    COT, Ticket was the six.  He told us how he got his name, how it took a couple weeks to come out, and told the new guys to keep coming out for the beatdowns and good fellowship.
    Announcements, 24 hours of beatdowns the 28th and homeslice is looking for volunteers for habitat for humanity.
    Closed with a short prayer.

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