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F3 Black Swamp | September 20, 2024

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The Wall (Riverside Park)

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Date(s) - 05/19/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Hannibal

The Wall


Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!

Best Parking is on Cherry Street. **Please be considerate when you park on the side streets, keep the Mumblechatter at a minimum out of respect for the residents.**

The Wall


  1. Lyman

    F3 Mission & Core Principles
    PAX: Doubtfire, Solo, Stark, Oil Change, Hannibal, Fat Thor, Lyman (QIC)

    Notes: 60ish degrees, a little humid. Still damp from the rain. Very little wind.

    Warmup: 25 Side Straddle Hops.

    The Thang: Another Brick in the Wall (threw off the PAX with no blocks and no Pink Floyd).

    Each PAX was the timer for each round. PAX grabbed a playing card which determined the group exercise, then rolled the dice to determine how many flights of stairs he would take. For instance, a guy draws a 9 of Hearts (which was Apolo Ohnos) then rolls a 3 on the dice. So everyone else does s Apolo Ohnos while he does 3 flights up the stairs using the specified movement. Then next guy draws a card, rolls the dice, and so on. Movement changes when a Ace is drawn. When an Ace is drawn, PAX do the specified exercise then run to the top of the hill, zigzag on the sidewalks via side shuffling, then run all the way down the ramp. Then continue using the new movement, til another Ace is drawn.

    Hearts: 1-10 = Apolo Ohnos; Face cards = Burpees

    Spades: 1-10 = Prisoner Squats; Face cards = Lt. Dans

    Diamonds: 1-10 = Carolina Dry Docks; Face cards = Absolutions

    Clubs: 1-10 = Plank Jack Shoulder Taps; Face cards = Big Boi Sit-ups

    1 = Hop up the stairs, run down
    2 = Grab ankles to walk up stairs, run down
    3 = Walk up backwards, walk down backwards
    4 = Run up the steps doing 5 SSH at each landing, run down

    Random final thoughts: Good playlist of 1990s rock hits. Good mumblechatter this morning. Partial Q credit to Solo and Stark for their recommendations. There was lots of goose poop around. If we had an FNG, he would have been named Goose Deuce. Only did one round of Absolutions, but they were still awful.

    Countorama (7)
    Fat Thor was the Six
    Ended in Prayer.

    As always, thanks for the honor of leading today!


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