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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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The Wall (Riverside Park)

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Date(s) - 01/27/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Hannibal

The Wall


Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!

Best Parking is on Cherry Street. **Please be considerate when you park on the side streets, keep the Mumblechatter at a minimum out of respect for the residents.**

The Wall


  1. Charmin

    Thurs 5:30a 1/27/22 – The Wall
    Charmin Bear After Leg Day
    Q – Charmin
    Pax: Jennay, Doubtfire, Hannibal

    Mission: To plant, grow, and serve small men’s workout groups for the re-invigoration of male community leadership.

    5 Core Principles:
    1. All Men
    2. Free
    3. Outdoors
    4. Led in Rotating Fashion
    5. Ends in COT

    Warm Up: 5min
    1. SSH – 30
    2. Jump rope – 1min
    3. Windmill – 25
    4. Alt. reverse lunge – 25 1is1
    5. Windmill – 25

    Run Ramp all the way to top of stairs and back (.25mi) – ran this loop 3x throughout the below beatdown

    1. Merkin Walk – 5 to the Right, 5 to the left, Repeato for 20 total
    2. Animal – 25
    3. Declince Mtn. Climbers – 25 (2is1)
    4. Crabcakes – 25 (2is1)
    5. V – sit 25 (2 is 1)
    a. Elbow to opposite knee
    b. Extend arm and leg at the same time
    6. V- sit 25 (3is1)
    a. Both legs crunch
    b. R Leg only crunch
    c. L leg only crunch
    7. Squats in Lunge – 25 (3is1)
    a. Squat
    b. Lunge to R
    c. Lunge to L
    8. Plank Tuck Jacks – 25
    9. Leg Climbs – 12 each leg

    Prayer Intentions – Those sick, hurting, health care, Military, homeless
    Always a pleasure and an honor!

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