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F3 Black Swamp | September 8, 2024

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The Wall (Riverside Park)

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Date(s) - 03/11/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Hannibal

The Wall


Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!

Best Parking is on Cherry Street. **Please be considerate when you park on the side streets, keep the Mumblechatter at a minimum out of respect for the residents.**

The Wall


  1. Michael DuShane

    Site: The Wall
    The Workout: “He Ain’t Heavy. He’s My Brother “
    Coupon required
    A lovely 58F in the Spring-Like “gloom”

    Your QIC : Doubtfire 49
    Baretta 14
    Popeyes 35
    Chubb 35
    Gepetto 41
    Mile High 42
    Coconut 42
    Hazmat 43
    Hannibal 45
    Chanél 46

    Mission Statement
    (No weinke required of the Q…a first…growth…leadership…)

    The pax counted off in 3’s.
    There were 3 groups of 3 and Q went with Baretta’s group and added Baretta’s age to every exercise total.
    Each group of three must carry three blocks to the top of the wall utilizing only two men. The third was under no obligation, but was certainly encouraged to get to the top as quickly as possible and begin knocking out the total number of work reps assigned at each station. Three stations were staked out and assigned three exercises and number of reps that the group must complete collectively. When done, return back down to base of wall as a group carrying all 3 blocks amongst just two men at any given moment. Repeating at bottom until you’ve completed all three signs as many times as possible.

    Return as a group to bottom of wall.
    Six: Popeyes

    Reminder that we share the load…the burden…the trust of our brothers. Humbling yourself and letting someone carry your weight takes vulnerability and trust. An honor to lead at The Wall!

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