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F3 Black Swamp | September 20, 2024

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The Wall (Riverside Park)

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Date(s) - 01/14/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Hannibal

The Wall


Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!

Best Parking is on Cherry Street. **Please be considerate when you park on the side streets, keep the Mumblechatter at a minimum out of respect for the residents.**

The Wall


  1. Woodstock

    3F’s, Mission, Principles, Disclaimer.

    Pax: Flo, Callahan, Reset (FNG), Hazmat, Charmin, Jennay, Spaulding, Hannibal, Doubtfire, Dutch, Moana, Raven, Chubbs, Canteen, Gepetto, Mr Free Time, Huffy, Fossil, Woodstock

    QiC: Woodstock

    FNG EH’d by Flo.

    YHC returned to the Wall for the fist time in a while. Still a beautiful place to inflict pain.

    Warmed up with some SSH, Windmills.

    The Thang

    At the wall – everyone grabbed a bench or whatever the little tables are, then took a couple steps backward to begin a compound exercise series consisting of the following exercises done in sequence:
    5 air presses, 5 monkey humpers, lunge steps to the bench/table, 5 incline merkins, 5 (2 is 1) step ups ending in a high knee (step up right, bring left knee to chest, return to ground, repeat on opposite side), then run a lap. Did this on repeato for ~10 minutes.

    Mosey to Hood Park.
    Timer set for 20 seconds, with 10 second rest. Do the following:
    1st beep – hard run/sprint up hill until beep. (20 seconds) – represents chasing goals.
    10 second recover
    2nd beep – walk in opposite direction (20 seconds) – represents setbacks, obstacles
    10 second recover
    3rd beep – exercise called by YHC, included merkins, squats, plank jacks, mtn climbers, etc (20 seconds) – represents the work needed to overcome obstacles and get back after goals.
    10 second recover.

    Repeat for 40 total 20 second rounds. The route was set up like a conveyor, so sometimes you were hard sprinting up hill and walking down, then others were hard sprinting downhill and walking up.

    Ended in COT. FNG was named Reset. Solid 6 from Jennay.

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