QIC- Stark
PAX – Raven, Shawshank, Bambi, Hannibal, Spaulding, Callahan, Popeyes, Ringo, Huffy, Fossil, Chubbs, Jennay, Doubtfire, CharminA twist on the Murph. Run from RIverside park to Hood Park. Two hill sprints from the chains by the river to the hedge up by Perry’s Monument where we took the Hill F3 style!
Run back to ramp at Riverside Park. Where you had a socially and phycially distanced section of the railing to perform:
100 Burpees
200 Australian Merkins
300 Bonnie Blaires (1 is 1)In 20 sets of 5, 10 ,15
Run back to Hood and perform 2 more hills sprints to end the workout.
We did a bonus round for the photo op back on the ramp.COR, NOR, Shawshank with a solid six from an emerging leader.
Always an Honor
Always My Pleasure