The Suck 1-9-2021
PAX: Huckleberry, Chanel, Homeslice, Mr. Free Time, Coconut (Q)
WarmUp: 40 4-count SSH, 40 2=1 Mountain Climber, 20 2=1 Windmill
Hold It! — Move It!
set a tabata timer for 20s on, 10s break
3 rounds continuous cycle through 20 positions, holding the position for 20s, then using the 10s to transition. 4th round turns all those hold positions in to movements.HOLD IT MOVE IT
1) Al Gore Squats
2) Plank Merkins
3) Boat Crunchy Frog
4) Raggedy Anne L Alternate Raggedy Anne
5) Raggedy Anne R
6) Elbow Plank Plank transitions low-high-low-high
7) Crab Touch L Alternate Crab Touch
8) Crab Touch R
9) Squat Twist L Alternate Squat Twist
10) Squat Twist R
11) Super Man “No Angels”
12) Bridge alternate leg up in bridge
13) Lunge L Alternate lunges
14) Lunge R
15) Side Plank L Travoltas L
16) Side Plank R Travoltas R
17) Peeing Dog L Leg Circles L
18) Peeing Dog R Leg Circles R
19) Calf Raise L both leg raises
20) Calf Raise RWarm Down: 20 SSH, 20 Morroccan Night Club, 20 leg swings
COT (Mr. FreeTime 6)