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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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The Smokehouse in Grand Rapids

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Date(s) - 03/13/2021
6:45 am - 7:45 am

Site Q - Smoky

The Smokehouse


Beautiful small town. Great beatdown opportunities. Meet at the playground next to the Old Fire Station.



  1. Woodstock

    3Fs, Mission, Principles and Disclaimer covered.

    PAX: lonzo, Smokey, crackshot, Huckleberry, Fat Amy, Charlotte, Red Ryder, Woodstock

    QiC: Woodstock

    Part 1 Slow and low
    1 rep
    Burpee, lt dan, mike Tyson, absolution, run to cone
    10 count
    2 reps, run to cone
    10 count
    Work up to 5 w/ runs

    Part 2 (Texas crutch)
    5 Burpee break down: 5 squats, 5 inchworms, 5 merkins, 5 groiners, 5 jump squats
    5 Lt danger break downs: 5 lunges (2 is 1), 5 prisoner squats, 5 merkins

    Part 1 – 6, 7, 8

    Part 2 (Texas Crutch)
    10 Mike Tyson breakdowns: 10 4 count bear squats, plank count x 10, 10 merkins (cadence)
    5 absolution breakdown: 5 groiners, 5 hi to lo, 5 lo plank jacks, 5 high to lo

    Part 1 – 9, 10

    Part 2 (Texas crutch)
    3 Burpee break down: 3 squats, 3 inchworms, 3 merkins, 3 groiners, 3 jump squats
    3 Lt danger break downs: 3 lunges (2 is 1), 3 prisoner squats, 3 merkins
    5 Mike Tyson breakdowns: 5 4 count bear squats, plank count x 20, 5 4 count merkins
    3 absolution breakdown: 3 groiners, 3 hi to lo, 3 lo plank jacks, 3 high to lo

    Cot – lonzo was the 6.

    Grand rapids is gorgeous. Unreal sunrise.

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