Q: Meatloaf
PAX: Stark, Montoya, Nitrus, Hannibal, Chanel, Tupac, Chubbs, Landslide, Calahan, Spaulding, Huffy, DoubtfireBeatdown:
10 Diamond Merkins
10 Jump Squats
10 Diamond Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks with block 2:1
10 Wide Merkins
Pick Cherries (held for roughly 2 minutes)
2 laps around the parking lotMeat & Potatoes:
Line up with block at the typical light post, doing exercises at each parking lane, ending at second light post (roughly 100 yards away?), Rifle carry to each lane
3 rounds – 5, 10, 15
1st Lane – Merkins with block
2nd Lane – Squats with block
3rd Lane (Light post) – Manmakers
Rifle Carry back to the beginning
After 3rd round, we did 10 Diamond Merkins and Squats but I called up and downConcluding Pain:
Plank until all fail (everyone did SSH, Imperial Walkers, or nothing until all complete)
31 Flutter Kicks with block 4:1
10 Merkins – I called down and up
Picking Cherries (a LOT this time)
3 Rounds: 10 Jump Squats, BBSU’s, Hand Release Merkins (own pace)If you are still reading this, then this is my kind acknowledgment that the Battlefield is better than the Fortress. Much love for all of you guys, you mean the world to me! I love pushing myself to the limit alongside the best HIM in the 419!