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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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The Necropolis – Ruck (Fort Meigs)

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 03/02/2021
5:30 am - 6:30 am

Site Q - Ponzi


What the ruck is a ruck?  A hike with a weighted backpack (approx 30 lbs) while stopping along the brisk walk to do some invigorating exercise. Excellent 1st F (fitness) and 2nd F (fellowship). If an FNG (Friendly New Guy) is a bit timid to post for a workout the ruck is a great intro to the pax.

The Necropolis


  1. Woodstock

    3F’s, Mission, Principles covered

    PAX: Gepetto, Better Offer, Casper, Moana, Reset, Huffy, Lego, Woodstock
    QiC: Woodstock

    It was a chilly morning in the swamp. 8 HIM’s came out with their favorite “pet rock” or other coupon to take them for a brisk walk.

    PAX were tasked with reporting to the ruck AO with a rucksack and a coupon between 20-60 pounds. As we stepped off, YHC informed the PAX that they would be carrying the coupon for a chunk of the distance, then putting it down and going fast out and back, just to conclude by carrying the coupon back to the Necropolis. The penalty for setting down your coupon early was two fold: 5 squats for all 8 men before putting it down, 5 ruck on merkins when you are ready to pick it up. We covered 1 mile with only 1 penalty, then speed rucked to the MAU/PBG bridge underpass path. Two PAX were so enamored with the river’s current they added to it, luckily the cops above the bridge were too busy collecting revenue to notice. We did some squats and merkins waiting for the pissing pax members to come back, not a 6 anyone wanted to pick up so we held fast.

    After exiting the Hood Park parking lot mountain, we were cruising back to our coupon stockpile and then back to Necropolis, passing another revenue collection in process along the way. We made it back with no penalties, meaning we carried coupons for over 2 miles while also wearing rucks. That is no small feat, in fact it terribly terrific.

    I do miss rucking sometimes – cant beat if for the banter/2nd f and the brutality of carrying heavy shit for distance.

    Casper was the 6. COT was lit.

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