F3 Back it up! BB
Pax: stark, Canteen (Columbus), mile high, Popeyes, lego, isosceles, bourbon, meatloaf, 2 pac, Q: Spaulding
Warm up
Chain breakers
WindmillsPair off- stay socially distant
Chin ups- claim your max reps out loud and try to get there every time.
Run to the cone/ station 2
Do 40 Superman’sFrog jump to cone/station 3
Claim max reps on Australians and try to get there every timeBear crawl to cone/station 4
Do 40 single leg deadlift squats (20 per leg)Ape hop to station 1 start over
Run 1/4 mile loop back to flag
Slow Push ups in cadence
Guantanamo (leg lift)
Guantanamo/water boarding (plank to merkin)