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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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The Foundry (Gateway Middle School)

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Date(s) - 06/13/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Woodstock

The Foundry


The beautiful track and football field make this a great AO to push your limits. Foundry is gaining a reputation as the toughest AO in Black Swamp. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

The Foundry


  1. Coconut

    Backblast for the Foundry 6/13/22

    PAX: Landslide, Woodstock, Gulliver, Borland, Coconut (Q)

    Intro: Mission and core principles. Disclaimer


    Run laps of the track, pausing at stations to complete reps. Every time you complete a lap, change lanes (ladder style…lane 1, lane 2…lane 6 2x, then back down 5, 4, 3…)
    4 stations, with a multiplier on the reps, dictated by your lane number for the current lap.

    Station 1 (1x multiplier): Odd lanes (1, 3, 5): Manmakers. Even lanes: Squat Thrusters
    Station 2 (2x multiplier): Odd lanes: Sphinx Merkins. Even lanes: Diamond Merkins
    Station 3 (3x multiplier): Odd lanes: Twinkle Bois. Even lanes: Lt. Dans
    Station 4 (4x multiplier): Odd lanes: LBCs. Even Lanes: American Hammer.

    So on the first lap, PAX completed 1 Manmaker, 2 sphinx merkins, 3 twinkle bois and 4 LBCs.
    on lap 6, the work was 6 thrusters, 12 diamonds, 18 Lt. Dans, and 24 American Hammers.

    We used lap 1 to demo moves. (a Twinkle Boi is a jungle boi squat, with a twinkle toes calf raise at the bottom of the squat. a sphinx merkin is a merkin where you go from high plank to elbow plank–not makhtar style, but just bending elbows until they touch.)

    18 Lt. Dans twice kinda sucked when repeating lap 6–but the guys gamely embraced the suck!

    COT–Gulliver 6

    Great time today. honored to lead.

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