PAX: Bourbon, Hazmat, Biggie, Heisenberg, Venom, Huckleberry, Venom, Huckleberry, Coconut, Spaulding, Nitrous, Thai Guy, Jennay, Hosier, Stark, Gepetto, Huffy, Van Gogh, Lego, Casper, Chanel, Space Cowboy, Dutch
Q: IsoscelesThang:
Partner work warming up the arm, app hoping and slide n duck.
Star drill phase 1: five balls at each point, grab ball and try to hit guys as they are doing burpess (5 minutes)
Star drill phase 2: Person in star gets one ball, but has to block 4 balls that are coming from all angles. (5 minutes)
Conditioning: Walk Jog Sprint
Scrimmage: 15 mintues. If you get hit, you have to crawl to furthest middle line cone. If you don’t get hit a seond time, you are back in.