Free to Lead – Charmin hands over Q Site Leader to Ponzi
Co -Q’s – Chit Chat and Red Barron
PAX – Charmin, Ponzi, Everest
FNGs – Jonathan “Die Hard” Washington, Justin “Strike” WashingtonWarmup:
Quad stretch 10sec each leg x2
Toe reach 10 sec each leg x 2
Mosey to Nagoya and back
12 High Knees (two is one)
Arm Burners 10 clockwise 10 counterclockwiseWorkout:
10 Man-makers
24 Merkinssprint around the island
20 burpee block jump over’s.
24 Merkins one arm on block.sprint around the island
20 shoulder tap (two is one)
24 block windshield wipers (two is one)sprint around the island
(20) Murder bunny to the end and back
24 LBC’ssprint around the island
20 Block thrusters
24 Flutter kicks holding block (two is one)sprint around the island