Tues 6:15p 5/10/22
Release the Kraken
Q – Charmin
PAX – Heisenberg, Fossil, Chanel, Ponzi, Everest, Bonds,
Mission: To plant, grow, and serve small men’s workout groups for the re-invigoration of male community leadership.
5 Core Principles:
1. All Men
2. Free
3. Outdoors
4. Led in Rotating Fashion
5. Ends in COT
Exercises: 10min (45 sec each)
1. 21’s – SSH X2 ( 14 burpees done)
2. Ankle Tap to Toe Tap (kick out, touch opposite hand)
3. Air squat with toe tap
4. Plank Tuck Jacks
5. Squats into Lunges (hop R, C, L)
6. 3 Crisscrosses into walk-out Merkin
7. Reverse Lunge into Twists (twist towards leg that was back and bring up knee)
8. Lateral Hops (3 L, R, L) into Curtsy Lunge w/ kick out and opposite hand touch
9. Summon the Kraken – Static Hold Knee Raise for 45sec – each leg, arms up
10. Hip flexors – raise each knee as high as possible and hold for 1 sec (15 per side)
11. Nordic Hamstring Curl (with partner, 5 each)
12. Shadow Boxing
13. Jacks – Arm raise while feet separate
14. 10 – Kraken Burpees (3 hand release merkins)All On 6 – Core and Hip Flexor (legs over upright dumbbell)
1. Leg spreader heel taps (dumb bell in middle)
2. Double leg lift and switch
3. Double leg Frog kick outs (R, C, L)
4. Alternating leg liftsWith Coupon (45 sec each)
1. Cuban Press 10-15 reps x 3
2. Swing DB into reverse lunge, squat, press both
3. Snatch – chg. Hands
4. Standing Toe Taps to DB
5. Plank Taps
6. Thrusters
Bomb Bench Workout (Kraken’s Lair)
1. One-legged stand into lunge
2. Incline plank on elbows to hands
3. Side plank (bring knee to elbow)
4. Reverse crunch – hands at butt (RL, LL, both) – bring knee to chest
5. Step up and switch legs with twist
6. Hold DB overhead, lift knee over DB on benchPrayer Intentions – Ponzi co-worker, Bonds unspoken request, Ukraine refugees, all Military personnel
Always a pleasure and an honor!