PAX: Chit chat, Red Baron, Houdini, Moana, Ponzi, Huckleberry, Chanel, Huffy, Solo, Radio, Coors, Lonzo – Q
The Thang: We went for a Ruck and got lost around Levis Commons. I planned on bringing my 2.0’s but it was a little too cold. Moana was in town and asked for an added challenge, so I added 2-40LB sand bags to pass. Every 6-ish minutes the sand bags were dropped, we did 5 to 10 merkins with rucks on, then passed the bags to a another person to carry. Apparently it still wasn’t hard enough for Moana, but we had good mumble chatter.
Moana was the 6 and mentioned how F3 has helped him get better because he used to be a “Fat boy”, and how it awesome we still get out there when it’s as cold as it was. Apparently PAX down in Florida cry when it gets below 50°F.
Closed with a short prayer.