Pax- Huckleberry, TuPac, Hannibal, Charmin, Chubs, and Shawshank
Q- IsoscelesThe Thang: 11s
Four corners. Each corner had assortment of exercises. You did two sets of 10, then two sets of 1. Then two set of 9, then two sets of 2. Always adding to 11. Each corner lasted 8 minutes.
(Start at 1 rep, then 2, 3, 4, etc.)”
(Start at 10 reps, then 9, 8, 7 etc.)”Exercises were:
Smurf Jacks
Mike Tysons
Imperial Squat Walkers
Lunges (2 is 1)
Stationary Ape Hops (2 is 1)
Jump Squats
Speed Skaters
Mule Kicks
Mountain Climbers (2 is 1)
LBCs (2 is 1)
Side Straddle Hops
American Hammers (2 is 1)
Freddie Mercuries (2 is 1)
Bonnie Blairs
High Knees (4 is 1)
Plank Jacks (2 is 1)