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F3 Black Swamp | September 20, 2024

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The Battlefield (The Shops at Fallen Timbers)

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Date(s) - 05/21/2020
5:15 am - 6:00 am

Site Q - Isosceles

Shops at Fallen Timbers



  1. Mercy

    Thursday at the Battlefield
    PAX: Lonzo, Dropout, Woodstock, Bongo, Isoceles, Charmin, PAblo, Gepetto, Mercy (Q)

    Intro – Mission, core principles, keep your distance, no contact, mask encouraged.

    Birthday Bash:
    Mercy’s birthday was the following day. His buddy Bluto (who EH’d Mercy) – Bluto birthday was today. Mercy decided to share the pain his mother reminds him about every year. So Mercy attempted to share a fraction of that pain, although I am sure a beatdown could never compare to giving birth.

    With the Murph, which we all love to do – it challenges all of us, no matter how many times you’ve done it – 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, 1 mile run. Weight vest for the beasts.

    To finish the Murph in a decent time, one can break it up into rounds, usually 10 or 20 rounds. After completing the Murph in decent time, with the goal of doing it in 1 round, I had the idea of doing the Murph in 5 rounds. I didn’t disclose this directly to the PAX.

    The thang:
    1. Stretch from head to toe – neck rolls, arm circles, Michael phelps, bend over touch toes (or shins or knees), thigh stretch, calf stretch. Mosey to a bigger part of the parking lot, PAX had at least 10 ft between us.

    2. In cadence: 20 hinged rows with cinder block (bend at waist 45 degree angel, bring block to chest), 40 merkins, 60 squats, run 1 lap around theater (.25 miles). Round 1

    3. Repeat number 2 (round 2)

    4. 1 Round of the Lurb (thanks Coconut) In cadence: 10 absolutions, 20 big boy situps OYO, 30 Lt Dans in cadence. In lieu of running a lap, 15 burpees for those doing the daily burpee challenge.

    5. Repeat number 2 (round 3)

    6. Repeat Number 2 (round 4)


    Before #6, the 4th round of Number 2, I let the pax know we would be one round short of a full murph, minus some distance running. It was fun to sneak the majority of the Murph reps on the PAX. The Murph is dreadful.

    The 6 – Charmin
    The F3Black Swamp intro meeting on Zoom tonight
    Prayer for Smoky’s dad, and Billy Bob’s recovery

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