Warm-Up with Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Chain Breakers and Protractor
Paula Abdul – set of exercises, forward 2 spaces, set of exercises, back one space, set of exercises, forward 2 spaces, repeato until you reach the end.
5 merkins, bear crawl 2 spaces, 6 merkins, crawl bear one space 7 merkins, bear crawl 2 spaces 8 merkins, repeato until you run out of cones. Will be 6 cones and a total of 61 merkins
Mozy back to the beginning.
5 dipss, crab walk 2 spaces, 6 dips, repeatoCardioish Stuff. Start at far end of parking lot, move to first light, new movement until second light, return to first movement to the end of the parking lot. Repeato coming back.
* jog, sprint, jog
* jog, lunge walk, jog
* karaoke, squat walk 180, karaoke
*backpedal, turn and sprint, backpedalChoose Your Own Adventure – Parking Lot – there are 5 exercises, you need to finish 10 of one of them, 20 of another, 30 of another, 40 of another and 50 of the last one Everyone makes their own choice.
Round 1 choices – burpees, scissor-ups, hand release merkins, jump squats, crunchy frogs
Round 2 choices – Lt. Dangers, klinger kicks, incline or decline merkins, lunges (2 is 1), American HammersIndian Run the length of the parking lot and back between rounds
Cool down exercises and COT
PAX members attending – Ticket, Coho (sp), Mercy, Lavar, Meatloaf, Landslide, Charmin, Okay, Casper, Stark, Coconut, Beaker. Q’d by Beaker