The Q: Josh “Lavar” Schuyler, name if event: count to ten and do it again
The PAX: Thomas “mercy” morissey, Rob “Simmons” brace, Kyle “wal-e” Edwards, Dan “Casper” kubacki
The warmup: warmed up with some back pedals, karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers
The workout: we broke into 2 teams, mercy and I on one and the other 3 together. Competition 1 consisted of bear crawling to 3 cones spread out about 15 feet each. At the ones we did 2 burpees. After final cone sprint back. Next teammate goes. Did that 2x’s per person for team of 3 and 3x’s for team of 2. Mercy and I won so we got to pick which combo of exercises we would do for next phase of workout which included starting at 1st cone and doing 1 rep, then sprinting to 4th cone and doing 9, then sprint back to 1st cone and do 2,etc. we chose merkins and absolutions while other team got Burpees and freddie mercuries. Next team event was suicide relays from cone to cone with mercy and I going 3x’s each and larger team going 2x’s each. Larger team won and picked combo 1-9 workout of flutter crunches and lt dans. Mercy and I got plank jack shoulder taps and Bonnie blairs. Final team event was crawl bear, crab walk, bear crawl, sprint races. Larger team won and picked 1-9 combo of mountain climbers and squats. Mercy and I got diamond merkins and dry docks. Had to do 1-5 on last one due to time. Cool down was a sprint half way up the main boulevard with karaokes on the way back.
Ended with COT. Simmons was the 6.