Q: Mealoaf
PAX: HannibalBeatdown
Q: Meatloaf
PAX: Hannibal, Smoky, Crackshot, Merida50 Austrailian Merkins
100 Tricep Dips
150 Imperial Walker (2 is 1)Ran a lap ~0.25 mile
On the street we ran up and down the main block in town
-Going out: at each light post do 5 squats
-Coming back: 5 Side Straddle HopsRemaining Time: Dice Game
1. 20 merkins
2. 15 LT Dan’s
3. 10 burpees
4. 30 big boy situps
5. 15 Carolina dry docks
6. 40 air pressesWe did multiple of most, ironically (God graces us) – NO BURPEES