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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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Rabbit Hole (Whitehouse Library)

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Date(s) - 04/22/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Fat Amy

Rabbit Hole


Come on out to our newest location added November 12, 2021 in beautiful Whitehouse, Ohio. This beatdown is the first Friday beatdown in the Black Swamp region.

Opening day crew in the Gloom:

Rabbit Hole Opening Day Crew


  1. Mark Landslide Trimble

    There were 6 Glorious young men at the beatdown today. They were Jason Fat Amy Nofziger, Ryan Apollo Reed, Michael Doubtfire Dushane, Steven Fat Shadow Timms, Scott Barney Taylor and the Q, Mark Landslide Trimble.

    Our beatdown took us to the hill. At the bottom of the hill, we did 2 reps of an exercise. We had 3 stops going up the hill where we would do 4,then 8 and then 16 reps of the same exercise. Then at the top we did 32 reps only to return to the bottom to start a new exercise. We started with merkins. Next up were big boy sit ups, then diamond merkins, then american hammers, south carolina dry-docks, and last were starfish sit-ups.

    We ended in a circle of trust.

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