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F3 Black Swamp | July 27, 2024

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Rabbit Hole (Whitehouse Library)

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Date(s) - 03/11/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Fat Amy

Rabbit Hole


Come on out to our newest location added November 12, 2021 in beautiful Whitehouse, Ohio. This beatdown is the first Friday beatdown in the Black Swamp region.

Opening day crew in the Gloom:

Rabbit Hole Opening Day Crew


  1. Michael DuShane

    3/11 at The Rabbit Hole
    Q: Doubtfire
    Fat Amy
    Mr. Anderson

    Killer playlist of course because Doubtfire was Q and it was March 11, which is henceforth International 3/11 Day!
    Here’s the playlist for posterity:
    Come Original
    Beautiful Disaster
    I’ll be Here Awhile
    Don’t Stay Home
    Home Brew
    Beyond the Gray Skies
    Creatures for Awhile
    Love Song
    First Straw
    All Mixed Up

    We moseyed to the base of the hill where I explained the rules. Run up the hill or the stairs and read the four exercise options for the first round. Choose 3 of the 4 and perform 11 reps of each. Then choose one of the 4 ways of getting back down the hill. By the end of round 3 you should have chosen three of the 4 options listed. The 4 options were: down the rabbit hole. Run down the back side of the hill and return. Crawl bear down the hill. Crabwalk down the hill. The dusting of snow the night before and during the beatdown plus the 20-degree air made it slick so disclaimers and modifications were issued aplenty!

    So, get up the hill and choose three of the four and do 11 of each. Pretty simple. Then return three of the 4 ways. Other movements included: Merkins, burpees, box cutters, Lt. Dans, absolutions, BBSU.

    When you return to the start, hold plank or go get the 6.

    Six was Rudy

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