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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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La Biblioteca (Maumee Library)

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Date(s) - 11/11/2021
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm

Site Q - Chanel

La Biblioteca


We won’t be combing over the card catalog Thursday evenings in Maumee. We will be getting work done at our newest beatdown location La Biblioteca!

La Biblioteca


  1. William Colon

    Q: Chanel
    PAX: Huckleberry, Stalker, Solo, Lonzo, Spoiderman, Black Spider

    PAX paired up and completed 90 reps of each exercise while their partner ran a lap. Once they completed 90 reps, they moved to the next exercise. The exercises were:
    1. Merkins
    2. Big Boy Situps
    3. Imperial Walkers
    4. Dips
    5. American Hammers
    6. Jump Squats
    7. Plank Jacks
    8. LBC’s
    9. Bonnie Blairs
    10. Mountain Climbers
    11. Squats
    12. Burpees

    Ended with Name-O-Rama, 6, and Circle of Trust

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