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F3 Black Swamp | October 21, 2024

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La Biblioteca (Maumee Library)

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Date(s) - 11/04/2021
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm

Site Q - Chanel

La Biblioteca


We won’t be combing over the card catalog Thursday evenings in Maumee. We will be getting work done at our newest beatdown location La Biblioteca!

La Biblioteca


  1. Michael DuShane

    La Biblioteca
    November 4, 2021
    Q: Doubtfire
    Red Barron
    Prime Time (2.0)
    Fat Amy
    Super Villain (2.0)
    Chit Chat
    Spoyderman (2.0)
    Silver Surfer (2.0)
    Black Spider (2.0)

    A beautiful night at the library in Maumee. Fall is settling in, and the cool temps are coming on. Leaves falling and changing colors. Such a lovely sight.
    We had SIX 2,0’s at the beatdown, and the work was kid friendly yet adult pax could get a very good workout in too.
    We circled up, and then moseyed to a tree covered, well lit area about 200 meters where we performed the following work in cadence.
    *11 merkins
    *11 box cutters
    *4 burpees

    Moseyed to the tennis courts where we tested our dexterity with lacrosse balls. Lining up across from one another, we played catch with our non-dominant hand by bouncing the lacrosse ball back and forth. as you were eliminated by dropping the ball, you performed 3 burpees. Winners did none.

    Moseyed to other side of tennis court where a hockey goal was set up. A hockey stick and street hockey ball. cones were set up in various places around tennis courts. Pax took turns shooting ball from a cone. Shot made=no work. Shot missed=pax do the assigned work.

    Moseyed to the basketball court where cones had been placed at various locations with specific exercises and reps attached. Pax would randomly take shots from a chosen cone. Shot made=no work. A miss=all pax do work.

    Moseyed to Flag for COR, NOR, 6, COT.

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