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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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La Biblioteca (Maumee Library)

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Date(s) - 12/10/2020
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm

Site Q - Isosceles

La Biblioteca


We won’t be combing over the card catalog Thursday evenings in Maumee. We will be getting work done at our newest beatdown location La Biblioteca!

La Biblioteca


  1. Andy Roth

    It was a beautiful night at La Biblioteca. I was so excited to Q here, I actually Q’d a week early. But Chanel was gracious enough to let me Q. The men of F3 Black Swamp are true Gentlemen. I was so glad I was able to come down and Q. The beatdown was a combination of a Romano special and an Iron PAX hybrid. Here’s what we did.

    Normal warm up of SSH, chain breakers and some leg stretching inchworms

    Blocks and Cones – all exercises with a block
    1 minute of curls, 1 minute of mozying to the cones and back.
    1 minute of American Hammers, 1 minute of mozying
    1 minute of Thrusters, 1 minute of mozying
    1 minute of Alternating Rows, 1 minute of mozying
    1 minute of Manmakers, 1 minute of mozying

    Round 1
    1st minute – 5 superman merkins and jungle boi squats for the remainder of the time
    2nd minute – 10 superman merkins and junble boi squats
    3rd minute – 15 superman merkins and junble boi squats
    4th minute – 20 superman merkins and jungle boi squats
    1 minute to rest and get the next set of exercises

    Round 2
    same rhythm as before but with slow motion merkins and crunchy frogs

    Went over to the grassy area and had Murder Bunny races

    Circle of Trust

    PAX attending – Cooper, Houdini, Isosceles, Kosar, Shawshank, Doubtfire, Chanel and Beaker. Q’d by Beaker.

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