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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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Field Of Dreams (Rolf Park)

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Date(s) - 01/12/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Lyman


Large park with running paths, soccer fields, playground, and parking lot for what can be an epic boot camp style beatdown!

Field Of Dreams


  1. Lonzo Hoot

    PAX: Meatloaf, Lyman, Mercy, Rudy, Solo, Landslide, Footloose, Lonzo – Q
    Warm-ups: Michael Phelps, and arm circles.
    The Thang:
    I used my M’s workout from the night before, it was the FiA winter challenge kick-off…with small modifications.
    Pair up, one person did the Holds while the other ran to cone and did the exercise, then switch. 22 reps of each exercise
    Hand stand – Carolina Dry Docks
    Wall sit – Sumo Squats
    Plank – Plank Jacks
    Boat (Vup arms out hold) – Burpees
    Canoe (legs out hold) – Glute Bridges
    Left side Plank – Froggers
    Right side Plank – Diamond Merkins

    Ring of fire – Raggedy Ann’s and Star Jumps until we got to 365
    COT, COR, NOR, Solo was the 6 and he told us he keeps coming out because all of the PAX motivate him to do so.
    Closed with a short prayer.

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