Q: Houdini
PAX: Nomad, Charmin, Nimbus, Moana, Fallout, O.K., Luigi, Bonds, Hannibal, Flo, Tupac, Huffy, Bagels, Dutch, Huckleberry, ChanelThe Thang:
Cadence work with low and slow reps:
Little Moseying
New Movement? Topsy Turvys (Plank Position, continue with merkin. When in the up position; flip over(left or right) to an inverted plank.(Dip position) then do a dip. RepeatNow the real work begins.
7 OF DIAMONDS(modified)
4 rounds. At the end of the fourth round. wash, rinse, repeat in reverse order.
4 Station setup in a diamond.First “Base” (7)
Burpees every roundSecond Base (14)
1 Mike Tysons
2 Heels to Heaven
3 Lunges
4 High KicksThird Base (21)
1 B.B.S.U.
2 Crunchy Frogs
3 American Hammers 2 is 1
4 Gas PumpsHome plate (28)
1 Mountain Climbers 2 is 1
2 Peter Parkers 2 is 1
3 Diamond Merkins
4 Knerkins (Chuck Norris Merkins)C.O.R.
C.O.T.Respectfully Submitted,