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F3 Black Swamp | September 7, 2024

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Wakanda (Maumee High School)

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Date(s) - 01/21/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Lonzo



Located in the heart of Maumee, Ohio is Wakanda the home of the Maumee Panthers. Physical education starts early on Thursdays for men of the Black Swamp.

Maumee High School


  1. Lyman

    PAX: Huckleberry, Bourbon, Bambi, Landslide, Charlotte, Rudy, Mercy, Lyman (Q)

    Breezy 30 degrees at gametime. Started with F3 Mission and Core principles

    Warm-up: 20 Side-Straddle Hops in Cadence

    Beatdown consisted of three rounds. Each round consisted of Exercise #1 2min AMRAP, 15sec rest, Exercise #2 2min AMRAP, followed by an exercise done as a group while one of the PAX ran around the parking lot island. This routine was repeated twice during each round, with PAX challenged to top their number of reps in the second half of the round. As follows:

    Round 1:
    Merkins 2min
    Crunchy frogs 2min
    Run while PAX does Twinkle Toes
    Merkins 2min
    Crunchy frogs 2min
    Run while PAX does Twinkle Toes

    Round 2:
    Plank Jack 2min
    Big Boi sit-ups 2min
    Run while PAX does monkey Humpers
    Plank Jack 2min
    Big Boi sit-ups 2min
    Run while PAX does monkey Humpers

    Inchworms 2min
    Little Baby Crunches 2min
    Run while PAX does Jump Squats
    Inchworms 2min
    Little Baby Crunches 2min
    Run while PAX does Jump Squats

    The last two exercises we combined into one 2min phase due to time. Ended with all PAX taking a lap around the island.

    Q messed up the order, but Rudy was the 6 and ended with prayer for Landslide’s father-in-law in Hospice and Hannibal’s loss of his father.

    Pleasure to lead such a great group of men!

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