F3 Black Swamp
Virtual Zoom Beatdown
11/23/20F3 (Fitness, Fellowship and Faith)
To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership.
Free of charge.
Open to all men.
Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
Led by men on a rotating basis who participate in the workout with no training or certification-meaning you must be aware of your own limitations.
We end in a Circle of Trust.PAX:
Thai Guy
Q: HuckleberryJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83627682888?pwd=T3p2M1BtcUEzckJoS0t2anhVOE9vUT09Bring two 25# Coupons of your choice.
Warm Up:
20 Toe-Touch Squats
20 Wind Mills
20 Arm CirclesThang:
30 Imperial Squat Walkers
30 Alternating Curls w/ Coupons (2 is 1)
30 Lt. Dan’s w/ Coupons
25 Thrusters w/ CouponsRun HARD 2 mins away from your house. At 1 min turn and head back to screen at home.
Stationary Cardio Option: Alternate between 30 SSHs and 30 Mt. Climbers20 Merkins
30 Mt. Climbers (2 is 1)
30 American Hammers w/ 1 Coupon (2 is 1)
30 BBSU w/ CouponsRUN
25 V Ups with Coupons
30 Scissor Kicks w/ Coupons Extended (2 is 1)
30 Kneel To Squat w/ Coupons
40 Plank JacksRUN
30 Air Pumps w/ Coupons
25 Lunges w/ Coupons (2 is 1)
30 Each Arm Bent Over Rows w/ Coupons
30 Calf Raises w/ CouponsRUN
Cool Down Stretch:
20 Hands/Arms to Heaven w/ Calf Raises
20 Side Lunges (10 each side)COT
Coconut lead is in prayer.