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F3 Black Swamp | October 21, 2024

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The Foundry (Gateway Middle School)

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Date(s) - 07/19/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Barney

The Foundry


The beautiful track and football field make this a great AO to push your limits.

1st Mondays – Open Q. Bring whatever you’ve got.

2nd and 3rd Mondays – Challenge Days. We will repeat this Q next month to seek to improve our score

4th Mondays – Open Q with emphasis on running/track.

The Foundry


  1. Woodstock

    3F’s, Mission, Principles, and Disclaimer covered.

    PAX: Rudy, Leia, Barney, Gepetto, Stark, Cinammons, Burgundy?, Woodstock
    QiC: Woodstock

    4 8 minute rounds, amrap. 2 minute break between each round.

    Round 1 & 2 on the track
    Round 3 & 4 in the field

    Round 1 – @ each cone, 25 hrpu, ~100M between each cone
    Round 2 – @ each cone, 25 bbsu
    Round 3 – 25 block swings, murder bunny to field cone 2, 25 swings, murder bunny to field cone 3, 25 block swings, reverse. ~20 yards between cones.
    Round 4 – field cones – 10 thrusters, rifle carry

    Scores for each:
    Rudy: 125, 150, 125, 90: 490
    Burgundy?: 100, 110, 125, 85: 420
    Barney: 120, 160, 125, 80: 485
    Woodstock: 150, 150, 150, 109: 559
    Cinnamons: 150, 174, 149, 105: 578
    Stark: 135, 156, 175, 109: 575
    Leia: 110, 140, 125, 80: 455
    Geppetto: 83, 109, 91, 60: 343

    Terrible is a good way to describe this. Like good whiskey, this one finished strong with a bit of a kick. The swings + murder bunnies were terrible on the posterior chain, but following with squat thrusters + rifle carries for time was just cruel. No DOMs here – straight shot quad destruction before I even go to the COT.

    Thanks everyone who came out, cant wait to see the improvement in a month.

    Ended with COT, Barney as the 6.

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