F3 Blackswamp
Fun with Ponzi 9/22/2020
@The CommonsPax: Charmin, Magladon, Nomad, Fallout, Ok, Luigi, Tupac, Flo, Houdini, Shawshank, Huckleberry, Chanel, Moana, Chubbs, Ponzi (Q)
PrinciplesWarmup Stretch: 20 of each Armcircles, Windmills, 21’s, airjumps, squats
Main workout to reach 100 in 100 days challenge – merkens and kettle bell swings
2 sets of 52 of the following: Merkens, then LBC’s, then kettle bell swings, Lunges and final if time Big Boy situps
Final exercise , Sally Up Sally Down 3min