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F3 Black Swamp | July 27, 2024

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Grantland (Rotary Park)

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Date(s) - 02/09/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Huckleberry



The site is huge! Tennis courts, pavilion with picnic benches, parking lots, fields, small hill, and a gravel track . Also coming soon an all inclusive playground that we helped raise money for. This site has so many different options for a fun beatdown. Join us every Wednesday!

Pavilion at Rotary Park


  1. Coconut

    Backblast for Grantland on 2/09/2022

    PAX: Geppetto, Fossil, Dutch, Isosceles, Huckleberry, Jennay, Doubtfire, Mile High, Coconut (Q)

    Intro: Mission and Core Principles. No FNG’s today so straight into it.

    THANG–Every 4 Years.

    a winter olympics themed workout, modeled after the 2020 IPC week 1 EMOM nightmare.
    Basic idea is to accumulate a specified number of reps of an exercise, while getting interrupted every minute to do a handful of reps of something.
    1) 200 slalom jumps with 4 burpees EMOM
    2) 200 speed skaters with 4 merkins EMOM
    3) 50 lugers with 5 2-is-1 american hammers EMOM
    4) 200 x-countrys with 5 SSH EMOM
    5) 50 podiums (double step-up) with 5 Lt. Dan EMOM

    Fossil turned 67, so the COT celebrated with 67 side-straddle-hops.

    The snot was sufficiently woggled!
    Honor and a pleasure

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