Lonzo’s Soccer Revenge
PAX: Danielson, Dropout, Cinnamons, Charlotte, Moana, Jennay, Borland, Lyman, Woodstock, Mercy, Gulliver, Behr, Footloose, Lonzo – Q. I sub Q’d for Landslide because he was OOT.
Warmup: ran to playground for 8 minutes of Murph reps.
The thang:
Split off into 2 teams, Team Spicy Balls and Team Drop Foot, and played soccer.
When whistle was blown and after every goal everyone did 10 Merkins and 20 Squats. This helped with those finishing the Murph challenge. Danielson scored in the first 20 seconds and was triple teamed after that so he didn’t run up the score. It was a fun game and the good guys (Team Spicy Balls) won. Almost no injuries and 0 slide tackles because Barney didn’t make it out. Cinnamons didn’t break another goal post, so that’s another win.
COT, COR, NOR Jennay was the 6.
Closed with a prayer.