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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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Field Of Dreams (Rolf Park)

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 09/30/2020 - 10/01/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Site Q - Woodstock

Rolf Park


Large park with running paths, soccer fields, playground, and parking lot for what can be an epic boot camp style beatdown!


  1. Mercy

    PArt 1
    PAX: Lyman, Fraction, Mercy (Q), Peach, Footloose, Lonzo, Stalker, Meatloaf, Landslide

    Intro, Mission, 5 Principles

    The second best day after the Lord’s Day, is Leg Day. Legs are the largest muscle group, and if the sky’s out, thighs out. Part 2 is Thursday at Wakanda with Woodstock, and if you are present at Part 1, you are legally obligated to attend Part 2.

    The thang:
    Warmup – SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers in cadence.

    Ruck/coupon welcome

    Round 1:
    Circle up – 40 seconds on, 20 second rest. Jump squats, rest, Jump lunge, rest.
    5 rounds

    Round 2:
    11s: 10 standard squats 1 end, lunge to other end, 1 prisoner squat, Lunge back
    9 squats, lunge walk, 2 prisoner squats. Progression continues

    Round 3
    10 Calf raises on curb, 5 bulgarian split squats each leg, 5 Lt Dans.
    for 5 minutes

    Repeat Rounds 1- 3 as desired.

    Finisher: single leg glute bridge

    Announcements: 10/24 FloRuck
    Prayer intentions – Bongo, Jobs, COVID,

  2. Mercy


    This is the LEG day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Glute Bridges were used as active rest between rounds.

    Complete PAX List

    Lyman, Fraction, Stalker, Footloose, Peach, Popeyes, Rudy, Landslide, Simmons, Mile High, Woodstock, Lonzo, Gepetto, Mercy (Q)

    Announcements: 10/24 FloRuck, 10/2 3rd F Leadership at Rolf Park Pavilion, Thursday eves at the La Biblioteca in maumee.

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