Q: Meatloaf
PAX: Bourbon, Woodstock, Coconut, Gepetto, Popeyes, Landslide, Hazmat, Isoceles, Ringo, Mile High, Hacksaw, Vila, Crab Legs, Simmons, Lonzo, Mercy, Peach, Footloose, Enron, HuckleberryBeatdown: be on a field (Soccer/Football)
Part 1: 30 minutes
4 exercises at 5 stations
-Stations are ~20 yards apart from each otherExercises:
10 LT Dan’s
20 Merkins
40 Squats
80 Air PressesOn your way “out” you bear crawl to the next station
On your way “back” you lungePart 2: Extra exercises
We did Side Straddle Hops, Windmills and Chain BreakersPEACE