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F3 Black Swamp | July 26, 2024

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2.0 & Family Workout

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Date(s) - 06/12/2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Site Q - Lyman


On the Second Sunday of every month we will throw a 2.0 work out that is for the whole Family. Fun family based workouts will be created for some active family bonding. Workouts will be in different locations around the Black Swamp.

2.0 workouts


  1. Lyman

    F3/FIA 2.0 Workout (2nd Sunday of the month at 2pm)

    F3 Mission and Core Principles
    Explanation of FNGs

    PAX: Coconut and M Rosé (2.0s Chopstick & Karat), Gulliver and M (2.0 FNGs Totoro & Giraffe), Lonzo and M Nettle (2.0s Black Spider & Spider-man), Bourbon (2.0 Laser), Borland and M (2.0 FNGs Salamander, Light Speed, and Stud), Lyman (2.0s Brick, Shield, and Mario)
    QIC: Lyman

    Warmup: a few minutes of Simon Says (Touch the sky, touch your toes, jump, plank). Hold Al Gore if you get out.

    This was a simple dice-led workout with a little friendly competition. Each family group rolled the dice, then did the work under each number and ended each round with a 30-yard race using the method under each number. Then roll dice, do those exercises, etc.

    Roll: 1
    10 Merkins
    20 Squats
    30 Flutterkicks 2:1

    Roll: 2
    10 Big Boys
    20 Lunges
    30 Big Arm Circles
    Bear crawl

    Roll: 3
    10 Bear Squats
    20 Leg Lifts
    30 Overhead Presses
    Frog hops

    Roll: 4
    10 Mountain Climbers 2:1
    20 LBCs
    30 Calf Raises

    Roll: 5
    10 Inchworms
    20 Penguins
    30 Side Lunges 1:1

    Roll: 6
    10 Shoulder Taps 2:1
    20 Imperial Walkers 2:1
    30 Overhead Hand Claps
    Lunge walk

    Countorama (21)
    Ended in short prayer

    Honored to lead a great group of families in some fitness fun!


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