PAX: Spider-Man (2.0), Cabana(FiA), Brick (2.0), Snapshot (FiA), Short-stop (2.0 FNG), Water Break (2.0 FNG), T1000, Black Spider (2.0), Swagger(2.0), Root-beer(2.0), Catnip(FiA) Nettle(FiA) Co-Q, Lonzo Co-Q
Broke up into family groups and completed 2 rounds of the following station work:
1) Merkins
2) Toy Soldiers
3) Dips / Triceps Extensions
4) Burpees
5) Squats
6) Curls
7) Bonnie Blairs
8) Side straddle hopsThen we split up parents vs. Kids in a game called Robinhood. Each team had a basket to drop balls in and the other team tried to take them away and put back in their basket.
Last we finished with the exercise cube, everyone got a chance to roll.
COR, NOR, T1000 was the 6. We named the 2.0 FNG’s after the one plays baseball and he plays short stop and water break is what he wanted to roll with the exercise cube.
Closed with a short prayer.
We all had a blast in the cold snow and mud.