The Gaunlet (Rivercrest Park)


January 27, 2025    
5:30 am – 6:15 am


The Gauntlet
13761 Eckel Junction Rd, Perrysburg, Ohio, 43551

Event Type

Bootcamp style workout. Huge AO! 1/2 mile and .9 mile track. 2 Large pieces of playgroup equipment for pullups and hanging exercises. Over half a dozen soccer and lacrosse fields. The possibilities are endless for your Monday beatdowns!

The First Monday of each month will be a Murph workout in honor of Lt. (SEAL) Michael Murphy.

The Gauntlet

3 responses to “The Gaunlet (Rivercrest Park)”

  1. Randy+Pelc+Jr. Avatar

    Irish Hoss
    Mile High
    Opening, warmups were ssh, arm circles, circle arms, Willie mays Hayes, potato pickers, chain breakers, windmills, and curls.
    Beatdown was 3 groups of exercises and take a mosey around basketball court area after each group
    Group 1 was 10WW3’s, 20 overhead presses, 30 block rows, 40 curls, and 50 step ups on your block.
    Group 2 was 10 burpees, 20 diamond merkins,30 Big Biys, 40 squats, 50 flutter kicks 2×1.
    Group 3 was 10 man makers, 20squat thrusters, 30 block rows, 40 curls, and 50 step ups. Repeat until time was up.
    Closing, Pimento was 6

  2. Samuel (Mile High) Cordova Avatar
    Samuel (Mile High) Cordova

    Black ops back blast for the Pre-Ruck
    Mile high

    I just learned that you should post Back blast for black ops events and pre-rucks. My bad, sorry to the HIMs who walked with me during the wee hrs of the morning in the past. I will get better but only by 1%

  3. Samuel (Mile High) Cordova Avatar
    Samuel (Mile High) Cordova

    Black ops back blast for the Pre-Ruck.

    Mile high.

    I just learned that you should post Back blast for black ops events and pre-rucks. My bad, sorry to the HIMs who walked with me during the wee hrs of the morning in the past. I will get better but only by 1%

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