The site is huge! Tennis courts, pavilion with picnic benches, parking lots, fields, small hill, and a gravel track. Also coming soon an all inclusive playground that we helped raise money for. This site has so many different options for a fun beatdown. Join us every Wednesday!
Grantland (Rotary Park)
2 responses to “Grantland (Rotary Park)”
Black Ops Hill Ruck
Isosceles (Q) -
Backblast: January 22nd, 2025
AO: The Grantland
Carmen Sandiego (Q)
PhotonWorkout: Total Body Workout
FNG’s: NoMission and Principles:
F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Mission: To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
The five core principles of F3 are:
Always free
Open to all men
Always outdoors
Led in a rotating fashion by a member of the PAX. Only you know your medical history so modify as needed.
Ends in a Circle of TrustCredo: Leave no man behind but leave no man where you found him.
The warmup: 50 SSH’s, hairy rockettes, chain breakers
The Thang:
EMOM. Did a variety of workouts for 1 minute for 5 rounds. Each round had 4 exercises and a minute rest. Before each exercise, we did 5 hand release merkins. Exercises were:
American hammers, coupon circles, curls, bent over rows, coupon overhead press, block squats with release, dips, absolutions, Nolan Ryan’s, grave diggers, ground to overhead press, gorilla humpers, high plank, derkins, imperial blockers, BBSU, man makers, box cutters, Al Gore, ground tricep extension, Freddie Mercury’s, Bonnie Blair’s, WW3SU, mountain climbers and 15 flying squirrels.
Ended with Willie Mayes Hayes and swimmers.
Count-O-Rama – 7
The Six – Carmen Sandiego
Ball of Man
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